Your Bridal

Boutique Needs

  • More Qualified Bridal Appointments

  • More Revenue

  • More Stability

Sales-driven Marketing for Bridal Boutiques

The Bridal Market is in Decline

(You Need To Future-Proof Your Bridal Boutique Before It’s Too Late)

According to IBIS, bridal market share has declined by almost 2% since 2018 and is set to decline further over the next 5 years.

Don’t Loose Out to Showroom shoppers

We are here to help you NOT ONLY future-proof but also build a predictable and sustainable bridal boutique. A boutique that only caters to the QUALIFIED brides, and makes consistent revenue even during low seasons.

Hi, We Are WedGen Media

And we are passionate about getting YOU more qualified brides, appointments and sales.

Helping brides find their dream wedding dress is YOUR dream.

Watching them make their wedding dress dreams come true is what makes YOU the happiest.

Until, you no longer have enough brides walking into your boutique.

Lack of appointments and lack of serious brides takes your focus away from you doing what you love the most i.e serving the brides.

Let Us Handle Your Bridal Appointment Problems

Let us take your marketing and appointment booking problems off of your plate. So that you say “YES” to serving every single bride to the BEST of your ability.

Unlike other marketing agencies chasing digital trends, we focus on real connections between your boutique and brides.

We get your boutique noticed by brides who truly get you. It's not just clicks; it's about creating lasting


You focus on making brides feel special.

We focus on sending the right ones to you CONSISTENTLY.

Within 30 Days of Working With Us, You Get:

50% Sales Conversion Rates

0% No-Show Rates

$ 15,000 - $25, 000 in Additional Revenue

Consistent & Qualified Appointments

Our Guarantee For You:

A 100% Pay Per Result System

In 30 days from now, your bridal boutique could stay exactly where it is today. OR it could be generating a minimum of $15,000 to $25,000 in new sales. The choice is yours.

You don’t deserve to stress over bridal appointments every night. That is why it is OUR responsibility to give YOU the opportunity to grow your Bridal Boutique RISK FREE and profitably.

And that is why:

We pledge, with confidence and legal commitment, to boost your revenue by a minimum of $15,000 in your first 30 days with our signature “Brides Primed to Buy” system. And to remove any risk on your part, we offer to work for you on a pay per results basis. Which means:

1. We only get paid when you hit $15,000 in sales in your first 30 days. (This aligns our goals with yours because we're only invested in acquiring brides who are the best fit for your store )

2. This is a true performance partnership which allows your to grow risk free and wildly profitably

*Disclaimer: We require that boutiques meet specific baseline criteria related to price point, current revenue, and operational capacity.

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